Software Engineer

About Me

Interest Areas : IoT/IIoT, Distributed/Embedded Systems, UI/UX Design

Personal Projects/Prototypes

IoT Monitor

OPC UA Monitor & Control OPC UA Grafana-InfluxDB Blynk

A Simple Way to Build IoT Monitor zapier glide google sheet google apps script

Dashboard Design with 2D game framework LÖVE love2d lua freeboard iOS Fedberry RasPi

plotly|Dash python framework to design IoT Dashboard plotly|Dash Node-RED

Login, Session Management node-red-dashboard ui-control

Freeboard Dashboard Design for the embedded system Node-RED freeboard Crow webserver

Metricio Design - React Native react-native Dashing Metricio

Alert Monitoring Dashboard node-red ui-template google maps

System Monitoring Dashboard node-red-contrib-os ui-template websocket

MQTT endpoint + MQTT query MQTT GraphQL

MQTT message routing using user-defined rules MQTT mosquitto broker lua sqlite

Collect Sequence of Events(SOE) and store in Google Sheets IFTTT iot-simulator webhooks

Create your custom thing and send events stringify iot-simulator zeroconf-bonjour MQTT websocket

Thermostat Control over chat react-native ecolect websocket nest thermostat


Custom Validator Generation with Template-Driven Form template-form validator directive Excel

HTTP Service Component Generation angular service sqlite Excel

Quick Start Guide to Build Desktop Application with Electron electron electron-packager

Component Obfuscation javascript-obfuscator webpack-obfuscator

React (Native)?

Metricio Design Dashing Metricio

Thermostat Control over chat ecolect websocket nest thermostat

API Design + Code Generator


Gravizo Graph, Diagram Example gravizo

Quick Start Guide to Build Desktop Application with Electron + Angular electron electron-packager angular

Protect Javascript Code javascript-obfuscator webpack angular